Vypovězení Kiwe Chaima Mardera z Rakouska



  1. Česky

Polskému generálnímu konzulátu ve Vídni.

Věc: Kiwe Chaim Marder, nar. 24. VIII. 1910, Kaminka, Polsko, bytem byl II. Grosse Schiffgasse č. 21.

Odsun z Rakouska.

S odvoláním na dopis z 29. III. 1938, č. 5371/38/1, mám tu čest oznámit, že Kiwe Chaim Marder byl dne 24. března 1938 z ohledu veřejného pořádku a bezpečnosti odsunut z Rakouska a 29. března 1938 u obce Unter Retzbach vyhoštěn ze země.

Odkazy na prameny

  • Updated 30 days ago
The United States of America were neutral during the first two years of the Second World War. They were brought into the conflict by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 and became one of the decisive belligerent nations, defeating Japan in the Pacific and heavily contributing to the war effort against the Axis powers, e.g. during the Allied landings in North Africa, Italy and France. American forces invaded German territory early in 1945. On the eve of the Second World War,...
Contains selected records of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Warsaw. The materials cover a variety of topics related to political and economic situation in Europe and the world in the years preceding the outbreak of World War II: the League of Nations; Polish policy towards Jewish populations and general issues of national minorities; the ban on ritual slaughter in Poland in 1936; Polish clergy and antisemitism; the politics of the Vatican towards Germany; aid for refugees from Germany; the c...